Business horoscope is the derivative of astrology of commerce which deals with trade forecast of the Zodiac nativities. Indian astrology will be focusing here the planets responsible for trade for different Zodiac signs. Likewise, trade astrology of Aries and Taurus remain in control of the planets, Venus, Mars and Pluto respectively. Business of Gemini and Cancer remain under influence of the planets Jupiter and Saturn. Trade of Leo and Virgo remain under supervision of the planets Uranus and Neptune respectively. Commerce of Libra and Scorpio remain empowered under the planets of Mars and Venus respectively. Business of Sagittarius and Capricorn remain influenced under the planets, Mercury and Moon respectively. Finally, Aquarius and Pisces astrology of trade are steered by the planets, Sun and Mercury respectively. Conjunction of Mars and Venus in a horoscope indicates international or foreign trade for the irrespective class of nativities. Zodiac position of 180 degrees, which means, the seventh house is considered the house of business. Besides the best business horoscope forecast, viewers may read here topics of commercial development and a lot of pertinent as well as relevant trade questions. Viewers may read money horoscope predictions covering annual financial forecast and may contact us for business consultancy. Sports horoscope would be a good reading stuff for the people entrusted in the trade of sports and games. Daily horoscope calculated from date of birth of a person can be a source of unlimited joy. Business calculator can open a new horizon for the people entrusted in business or commerce. We have detailed service package here.