Manglik Dosh Pooja

According to Astrology Mars or Mangal is the planet of power, strength, courage and aggression. Astrologically Mars is seen as a cruel planet. As a God, Mars is often described with a red body exemplifying the natural color of the astronomical body in the sky. Mangal is also a Kshatriya and sits on a ram. He is a handsome youth having a short stature and four arms, two of which carry a trident and a mace. His build is slender and appearance youthful and his blood-red eyes burn fiercely. In terms of Marriage the position of Mars is of supreme importance as it signifies passion, husband,
marital knot, sex etc. Mangal is known for positively or negatively affecting the chances of Marriage. As per astrology, the placement of Mars in the 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th or 12th house from ascendant, Moon and Venus results in the Mangalik Dosha. Mangal Dosha leads to delay in marriage, dissatisfactions in married life, incompatible sexual preference, inadequate longevity of spouse, low adjustment potential, lack of satisfaction with own spouse and hence leading to extra marital affairs.
Mangal Puja
Puja means worship,devotion and reverence. Puja is believed to be derived from the word 'pu-chey',or worship. The term puja is now used to include all forms of worship, ranging from the simple daily offerings of flowers, fruit, leaves, rice, sweetmeats and water to the deities in homes or temples, to the sacrifices in temples dedicated to Kali, Durga and other female deities. There are three kinds of pujas: "Dhirdha", "Madhya" & "Laghu". Puja ritual of idols of God has become in recent times a great of faith and belief in Hindu Religion. Puja is not only performed in temples but also in most of our homes. we worship God in our meetings before we start our days' programme of Jagran/Bhajan/Kirtans/ Ramayana and /or study of scriptures. The object of the puja ritual is to create and setup thoughts of spiritual forces in and around us. This is best achieved by chanting of some Mantra ,Bhajan or Chalisas, The benefit of puja is to remove obstacles. The pujas are performed on behalf of those who request them by us. Some of the benefits for doing specific pujas include: Obtaining happiness and peace by getting rid of malefic forces. Removing troubles that prevent us from starting on a spiritual path or business Gaining material spiritual, prosperity and abundance. Creating positive vibrations in the house, when starting new ventures such as a new job, business. Removing obstacles if suffering from losses, when starting a new business or investments. Improving the general health of body and mind, for a speedy recovery from illness. Increasing leadership skills. We can enhance the benefit of the Puja by doing spiritual practices. Some of the commonly observed practices include Meditation, Mantra Japa , Silence, Prayer, Fasting or Repeating God's name, charity. These vows can be done for one day or as long as you wish. The result of these actions is to enable us to imbibe more deeply the spiritual energy invoked by the Puja and to help purify us. Mangal Puja or Mars Worship is dedicated to planet Mars. Grah Shanti Mangal Pooja liberates one from debts, poverty and skin problems.