Lal Kitab

Lal Kitab, originally published in urdu language, enshrines such effective astrological principles and remedial measures that it has rightly been termed as The Wonder Book of Astrology. The science of palmistry too has been explained in such an exquisite manner that each of the 42 divisions of the human brain have been related to the different houses of a mans birth chart in such a scientific manner that the sketch of the human brain reflects accurately on the lines of the palm. On the basis of these lines of the palm one can draw the actual horoscope of an individual and can do the placement of planets in various houses of the birth chart. The date of birth and the birth ascendant can be found out by reading the lines and mounts of the palm, which means that an individuals accurate birth chart can be drawn by seeing the lines of his palm. Similarly, by studying the different aspects of a mans residential house his birth chart can be accurately prepared on the basis of the sutras explained in the Lal Kitab.
In addition to the above, Lal Kitab has announced unique remedial measures to solve chronic and critical human problems in day to day life.These measures do not require the practice of ordeals, yagnas, havans and other complicated and expensive rituals, which prove more troublesome for persons who are already in trouble because of the evil effects of certain planets. These measures are again different from Yantras, Mantras and Tantras, which give various adverse effects if not followed rigorously in all their minute details. The measures suggested in Lal Kitab are electrically effective in solving all kinds of human troubles and tensions, without inflicting harm on anybody i.e. these remedies are completely self defensive against the evils created by the planets without causing injury in anyway to anyone concerned.
In this service we will provide you detailed analysis of your birth chart based on Lalkitab and remedies given in Lalkitab.